Instruct customers to download Grablr from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.
Allow location services and notifications when prompted.
Customers order independently, eliminating long lines and congregating crowds.

Our app comes with payment processing built-in.
Accept all major credit cards with daily payouts.
Eliminate the spread of germs from handling cash and potential theft from transactions.

We secure all takeout boxes and bags with tamper-free seals.
Utensils, napkins and condiments are available in separate packaged bags.
Deliver an added peace of mind for customers.

The Grablr Runner app controls how many customers are notified to pick up orders at a time.
A designated pick up area is setup to control foot traffic.
Grablr helps increase business for food vendors, while serving large crowds in an efficient manner.

We provide complete audit trails to track all interactions.
Trace every order that is delivered, picked up, by who, and when the action took place.
Grablr improves compliance with COVID-19 public health and safety guidelines, while delivering a peace of mind.